Secure Wifi Connection Issues


I have not changed my password yet (I am still using the default password provided to me by the University) and I can't connect to the secure wifi network.

1. Please change your password and wait five minutes before trying to connect to the secure wifi network with your new password. 

2. If you cannot connect to the network, please try forgetting all U of G wifi networks in your wifi settings, then try one of our secure wifi connection guides.


I tried one of the secure wifi connection guides on this site, but it didn't work.

Try forgetting all U of G wifi networks in your device's wifi settings, then try the guide again.


I was previously connected to the secure wifi network, but I have recently changed my password and now I A) can't connect, or B) I am getting a "no internet" error message.

1. Try forgetting the secure wifi network in your device's wifi settings, then try reconnecting to the network.

2. If you get a prompt for a username and password, try logging in with your Central Login ID and your new password.

3. If you are unable to directly connect to the network via step 2, please forget all U of G wifi networks in your wifi settings and try one of our secure wifi connection guides.



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