Guest Wifi - uog-guest

The University of Guelph provides temporary guest accounts exclusively for visitors that either do business with the institution, participate in planned events hosted by the University, or visit entities open to the public (such as the Library). Guest accounts provide access to the internet via HTTP and HTTPS, as well as SSH access for web browsing and access to internet-hosted services with speeds up to 10 MB/sec. Outbound VPN connectivity is generally supported on a “best-effort” basis due to the vast number of third-party solutions available.


Visitors from other Educational Institutions may be able to use our Eduroam network


Only Faculty and full time staff can sponsor guest accounts (you cannot use an organizational account). If you do not have a sponsor for guest wifi, you can get a guest wifi account (up to 30 days) at the Library Ask-Us desk on the first floor of the Library. Make sure to have photo identification.

Campus guest self-registration process: Connect to the uog-guest wireless network and open a web browser. If the registration page does not load in your browser, please try to access a few websites to trigger the page (for example: or try with a different browser. 


  1. On the guest portal, click the "Register" button at the bottom of the page to start the self-registration process.Go to the bottom of the page and click on the Register link which is below the Log In button
  2.  Please provide your email address and choose a password.
  3. Enter the name and email address of your sponsor (this must be a U of G full time staff or faculty member ) who can approve your guest access. **Note - the email needs to be in the format of and not an email alias (eg. If you do not know the email address of your sponsor, please contact the CCS IT Help Centre. Finish by clicking the "Register" button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Your sponsor will receive an email notification. Once they approve your request, you will be connected to the internet. If your sponsor is not on campus, they will need to connect to VPN before they can login to the sponsor portal (using their login ID and password).


Please remember: Guest access is valid based on the specified duration approved (default is one day; maximum is 30 days). Guest WiFi sessions will expire every 24 hours, so guests will be required to re-sign in every 24 hours. 


Sponsor’s guest access approval (or revoke/decline) process

  1. Please provide your original (non-alias) email address to your guest (email address in the format of
  2. Open the email from the guest registration system, click on the link provided and log in with your Central login ID and password. You can select the pending guest requests and approve them by clicking on the "Approve" button. You have the option to adjust the duration of access (default is one day, maximum length is 30 days). 
    Please note that your guest will not have access to the internet until you complete this step.
  3. Once you click on "Approve", your guest will automatically be connected to the internet.

Terms of Use

Guests who gain a U of G Guest Access Account will have to log in to ResNet or the wireless network and by doing so they are agreeing to abide by the Guest Access Policy and the University of Guelph Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines (AUPG). Any computer or device having a negative impact on the network may be blocked from accessing the network. 

The U of G Guest Access Account is not a U of G Central Login ID, and cannot be used to access other services, such as Web Advisor, Courselink or websites.

* Please note that the U of G Guest Access Account will only provide access to the U of G Wireless network with SSID: uog-guest, and will not provide access to any other wireless networks detected on campus. 

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