IT Administrators

IT Administrators provide desktop, application and networking support for staff and faculty in their department or college and should be the first point of contact when a computing problem or question arises. 

If you are unsure of your department IT Admin’s name and contact info, call the CCS IT Help Centre at 519-824-4120 x 58888 or email for assistance.

Technical Resources

•    DNS: Domain Name Service
•    DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
•    SSL Certificates
•    Footprints Service: Customer Support Management Software
•    MACdesk: For business phone requests
•    CFS: Central File Service
•    Managed Desktops Service
•    Managed Servers
•    Web Solutions
•    Supported Products: A list of products supported by CCS and general information about Software

After Hours & Emergency Support

CCS analysts are on-call to provide emergency response for widespread technical emergencies for critical central systems and services. Examples of widespread technical emergencies include the loss of campus-wide services such as:

•    Internet or telephone connectivity in an entire building
•    Access to Gryphmail

Emergency Support Hours

Weekdays - 7:00 AM to Midnight
Weekends (and holidays) - 8:00AM to Midnight

Outside of business hours, IT Admins can alert CCS to widespread, technical emergencies on critical university systems by leaving a voicemail message on our Analyst On-Call phone: (519) 824-4120 x 58600. The voicemail will be forwarded to an analyst who will work to resolve the issue so please be sure to include as much detail as possible and your contact details in case more information is needed.


Note: This extension should only be used by authorized IT Admins. All other technical issues can be resolved by contacting your department IT Admin or by contacting the CCS Help Centre listed above.
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