Academic Guests (eduroam)

*Please visit the Eduroam Service Page for the most up-to-date information about this service.

What is Inter-University Connectivity (eduroam)?

eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing) is a wireless network service that allows students, staff, and faculty in Canadian educational institutions to securely access the Internet while visiting other member universities. Users simply use credentials from their home institution and they are granted access. It is recommended that users configure their laptops to connect to eduroam at University of Guelph prior to traveling.

When logging into eduroam, usernames must have the full domain name attached. Each login session is 10 hours in length. Most devices will re-connect when the session has expired.

For more information visit:

Setup Documents

Setting up eduroam is very similar to connecting to uog-wifi-secure.  Simply use "eduroam" instead of "uog-wifi-secure" as the SSID and ensure that you enter your username with your domain name attached (i.e. or - do not use an email alias). Use the Eduroam profile to securely configure your device to connect to Eduroam. 

What are the restrictions of Eduroam?

The network restrictions placed on eduroam are at the discretion of the institution providing the service. At the very minimum, eduroam provides basic network connectivity for web browsing (HTTP/HTTPS), secure shell (SSH), and VPN only.  There is no guarantee that eduroam will provide the same access to resources between separate institutions' standard wireless networks.

Help and Support

Users wishing to connect to eduroam must acquire support from their home institution only. Institutions hosting eduroam connectivity are not required to provide support to visiting guest users. For University of Guelph students, faculty and staff, please contact the CCS Help Centre for assistance.

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