ArcGIS Pro


ArcGIS Pro 3.3 is available for download via the CCS Software Catalog.


As of June 20th, 2024, U of G Students, Staff, Faculty and IT Admins can access ArcGIS Online using their central login credentials via Single Sign On (SSO). A new ESRI account will be created for you the first time you login.


Login to ArcGIS



  • If you are an ongoing user, this new account will not link back to any of your old content even if both accounts use your UofG email address.
  • However, this move also will not delete any of your current account contents (maps, apps, data, etc).
  • For now, ongoing users will have the option to continue using their old login to access their old account and/or can request to have their GIS contents moved to their new account by submitting a working with data request.


How to access your content stored in your old ESRI ArcGIS Online Account

  • To switch back to your old ESRI account that contains your content, click on your profile name in the top right corner and select "Switch Accounts".
  • Enter in your old ESRI account credentials to login (Username format of old ESRI accounts -> "yourusername"_uofguelph) and then you have the option to link ESRI accounts to make switching back and forth easier.
  • To request your content to be moved over to your new ESRI account that uses SSO, please submit a working with data request.

Installation Instructions

How to install ArcGIS Pro


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